Our Commitment to Charity

Our Commitment to Charity

At Kereni Ventures, the parent company of This 'n That Store, we believe that every action we take can leave a lasting impact on the world. As a forward-thinking enterprise, our mission extends beyond providing high-quality products and services to our valued customers. We are deeply committed to making a significant, positive change in the world through sustainability efforts and charitable donations. Here's how we're turning our beliefs into action through This ‘n That Store:

Planting Trees for a Greener Tomorrow

Sustainability and Carbon Neutrality: In addition to offering the option of utilizing sustainable shipping, we pledge to plant not one, not two, but three trees for each and every product you purchase from us. This initiative is at the heart of our commitment to sustainability and achieving carbon neutrality. 

Why trees, you might ask? Trees are the earth's natural carbon absorbers; they play a critical role in cleaning the air we breathe and combating climate change. By planting trees, we are investing in a greener, healthier planet for future generations. This initiative also supports biodiversity, provides shelter for wildlife, and contributes to the natural beauty of our planet.

Donating All Profits to Those in Need

A Heart for Humanity: We believe in the power of giving back. That's why we've pledged to donate all our profits to support those in need in the US, Palestine, and Yemen. 

In the US: Our mission centers on tackling the critical issues of homelessness and hunger. We dedicate our efforts to supporting shelters that offer refuge and meals to those in need. Additionally, we are committed to providing educational opportunities for underprivileged children, aiming to empower them with the tools and knowledge necessary for a brighter future.

In Palestine and Yemen: Our mission is focused on providing assistance to charities delivering comprehensive humanitarian aid to communities ravaged by conflict and poverty. This includes delivering essential medical supplies to address health emergencies, distributing nutritious food to combat hunger and famine, and ensuring access to clean water to prevent diseases. Our goal is to alleviate suffering and support the resilience of those facing the most challenging circumstances.

Our commitment goes beyond the mere act of donation. We are dedicated to creating a ripple effect of positive change, inspiring others to join us in our mission to make the world a better place. By choosing This 'n That Store, you're not just purchasing a product; you're contributing to a cause that supports both the planet and its people.

Join Us in Making a Difference

We invite you to join us in this journey of giving back and making a difference. With every purchase, you're not only getting a product that meets your needs but also contributing to our collective efforts towards sustainability and supporting those in need.

At This 'n That Store, we're more than just a business. We're a community of conscious consumers, dedicated to leaving a positive footprint on the planet. Thank you for supporting our mission. Together, we can create a brighter, greener, and more compassionate world.

Y Nawed

Managing Director

This 'n That Store

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